[x] Best Tips to [fix problem]

Tips: This will be one of your first list posts. People love list posts! You can always come back and interlink from this post to other posts you write in the future. Be sure to read through the entire template.

  • Below is an outline of what you could include in this post.
  • Please replace the text below and only use it as an outline. 
  • Remember to update the URL slug.
  • Once you have changed the content and URL, you can hit publish on your post.
  • Keep your paragraphs short and between 5-7 sentences.
  • Add H2 and H3 headings throughout the post to make it easier to read.
  • Keep your URL short and sweet. Example: www.yourblog.com/how-to-create-fuller-lips
  • If you’re using affiliate links in your blog post, be sure to include a disclosure like this before the use of any affiliate links.
    • “This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link.”

Pro Tip: You can use this post to build your email list at the same time. This is the trick I used to grow my email list to 116 before I launched my blog. Here is how you do it:

  1. Create a sign up form with your email marketing client (MailerLite or Convertkit)
  2. Create a Google Form to collect the best tips
  3. Send the sign up form to your friends and family and ask them for their best tip on [your niche]
  4. Let them know you’ll add them to your email list so they will get an email when the post is up!
  5. Compile all the answers from the Google Form (connected to the sign up form)
  6. Create your post and add the contributors names by their tip
  7. Voila! You’ve grown your email list AND created a whole new blog post!


[x] Best Tips to [fix problem] <H2 Heading>

  • Validate that this is an important issue.
  • Can you share a short story (5 – 7 sentences) how you’ve overcome this problem.


What is [problem]? <H2 Heading>

  • Define the problem.
  • Clear up common misconceptions.


Why does this [problem] happen? <H2 Heading>

  • Lay down the foundation.
  • Give examples and share your experience.
  • Use emotions to keep the reader engaged.


[x] Best Tips to [fix problem] <H2 Heading>

Here is the meat of your post. You’ll break down the problem into a list of easy to accomplish steps to help your reader.

  • Tip 1: [do this] <H3 Heading>

    • Short paragraph answer
    • You can also use bullet points.
    • This makes it easier for your reader to get the information they need from your post.
    • It also pulls the reader through the post and breaks up the sea of text.
    • Include demonstration images where you can.
  • Tip 2: [do this] <H3 Heading>

    • Short paragraph answer
  • Tip 3: [do this] <H3 Heading>

    • Short paragraph answer
  • Tip 4: [do this]<H3 Heading>

    • Continue until you’ve completed all the steps.


The Last Thing You Need to Know about [problem] <H2 Heading>

  • Summarize the post in 1-2 key take away
  • Always end your posts with a question to your reader. You want your readers to engage, share and leave comments with your articles. Whenever you can interact with your readers, do it, it builds trust and a relationship!

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